Posts in Social Justice
CCHF: An Invitation into Life Changing Adventure and Jubilee

Jonathan Wilson, MD

Inviting participants who are new to CCHF into the adventure that is being a healthcare worker committed to caring for the poor in the name of Jesus. Drawing on the on the rhythms of Jubilee and Sabbath from OT scholar Dr. Michael Rhodes we will unpack this life changing, life giving adventure that will bring you joy! We'll unpack why this is such a wonderful calling and invite you into it! Co-Presenter: Michael Rhodes, PhD.

Toward a Manna Society

Jeremy Crider, MD

God was and is liberating a people and establishing shalom among them. Health, as it is seen in the Biblical narrative, is a communal property, including the idea that our wellness is affected by the wellness of “our neighbor”. However, our notion of health - especially in medical professions - is typically reductionistic, leading to phenomena such as extreme life expectancy gaps in our communities. What is our role in oppressed and marginalized communities? How are we joyful co-creators of the manna society God is creating? Join us as we trace this narrative and reflect on true health and our role in it today.

The Hard-Knock: How to Grow DEI Efforts in Your Organization With Limited Support and Resources

Jael Chambers, MA

What do you do if you’re passionate about diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at your health center but have limited resources and support for implementation? In this session we will explore the key areas to build a foundation for sustainable DEIB that aligns with your organization’s vision and mission. Co-Presenter Alyssa Vasquez