Posts in Personal Growth
Understanding This Movement and Your Part In It

Steve Noblett, CEO

If this is your first CCHF conference, START HERE! Learn about the roots and direction of the movement of God's people to live out the gospel through healthcare among those who are experiencing poverty. Identify opportunities and bottlenecks in this ongoing move of God, and understand how to find your place as you seek to serve the purpose of God in your generation

The Model is NOT the Mission: Direct Primary Care as One Spoke in the Wheel of Caring for the Poor

CME Accredited

Brian Reinhardt, MD

Caring for the poor has so many complexities. In our time together, we will explore one model of caring for the poor--direct primary care (DPC). As a lesser known approach to healthcare, we will begin with a nuts and bolts explanation of how DPC operates. Then, we will see the areas where DPC shines in caring for the poor. We think that DPC is one spoke, amongst multiple, in the wheel of caring for the poor. For this wheel to operate well, we must support each other. Finally, we will challenge you to ask how you are uniquely wired to fit into this wheel.

Building a Foundation That Endures

Benjamin McKinney, MD

Desires for justice, change, impact, external fruit, or missional medicine are great pursuits, but a heart that truly changes the world is one that is rooted in love. First a love for God and then a love for others. Let us return again to the enduring foundation of our first love. Let us find the joy, peace, and holiness that is found in knowing God and his word. It is in an intimate relationship with God that our world will be changed as we run on His power and finish the race well.

Personal Growth, Values, StudentsCCHF
Navigating the Third Shift: Fostering a Christian Ethic in Administrative Support of Medical Team Members Facing Caregiving Challenges while providing patient care.

CME Accredited

Tara Samples, PhD

As the Medical Workforce is predominantly female, and women shoulder the societal burden of caregiving, work/life balance for caregivers of young or medically fragile family members has long been an underexplored topic in medical administration. The pandemic has further illuminated the challenges of work/life balance and professional success for those with clinic based and home caregiving responsibilities. Christian health organizations strive to model respect and dignity not only to patients but also to employees.

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CCHF: An Invitation into Life Changing Adventure and Jubilee

Jonathan Wilson, MD

Inviting participants who are new to CCHF into the adventure that is being a healthcare worker committed to caring for the poor in the name of Jesus. Drawing on the on the rhythms of Jubilee and Sabbath from OT scholar Dr. Michael Rhodes we will unpack this life changing, life giving adventure that will bring you joy! We'll unpack why this is such a wonderful calling and invite you into it! Co-Presenter: Michael Rhodes, PhD.

Flock Mentality: Striving for Contentment in Modern Medicine

Dakota Price, MD

Medical careers are always pushing us to look for the "next step'' whether that be residency, fellowship, new job, or even medical mission opportunities abroad. I want to share my journey and pitfalls we should avoid to try to escape the “fence jumping” tendencies in today’s society. And live more towards contentment in knowing our Good Shepherd and our role under him.

Living Missionally While In Training: From Insulation to Relocation

Seth Mattson

Many young Christians in training have a desire to answer Jesus' call to 'serve the least of these'. Residencies and clinics can help facilitate this mission in the future, but what does answering this calling look like right now? Would it be possible for those in training to live missionally, in the midst of their most hectic years? Is it worth it? What do I have to offer to a community as a student? As medical students at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, we have had the privilege to move into the historical "Sunnyside" neighborhood, which lies at the intersection of the city’s poverty and crime. In this session, we will discuss how we got here, how the Lord is working among our neighbors, and what we are learning through the various challenges and setbacks. Co-Presenter: Yasanka Chalasani

More Than "Just Along For The Ride"

Candace Dolph

Where do I fit? What is my role? These are questions that the non-medical partner must grapple with. This session will explore ways to cultivate the spiritual gifts that God has given you. Help identify pitfalls that come from overvaluing or undervaluing the medical ministry of your partner. Provide ways to develop life-giving habits of growth and resiliency that help sustain you through the highs and lows of medical ministry.

The Top 10 Mistakes We Made During Med School + Residency and How God Redeemed Them

Sarah & Jacob Abraham, MD, MPH

There is intense pressure from the world to pursue perfection, professionally and spiritually, during our medical training. Thankfully God's grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in our weakness. Come be encouraged by our Redeemer through stories from two young doctor's journey through medical training - studying medicine, incarnational living, marriage parenthood and foster care, preparation to work among the unreached, and the pursuit of spiritual disciplines.

How Low Psychological Safety Impacts Organizations Ability to have Conversations Around Diversity

CME Accredited

Alyssa Vasquez, MA

Over the last two years we have seen and experienced how a lack of trust, limited information and past history can impact an individual’s ability to listen and ask questions about COVID-19 vaccinations and conversations around diversity. This session explores the top three fears white people and people of color have around discussing diversity in organizations. While engaging with these best practices to dismantle these fears, we will explore the importance of understanding and implementing psychological safety. Co-Presenter Jael Chambers

Diversity, Personal Growth, DEI, CMECCHF